PAD 5 GIRLS Target: ₦300,000 Donation: ₦0 Day 0 of 3 Donate

The challenges serving in a low income communities that affects learning includes poor hygiene. It has a direct link to learner’s academic performance, school attendance rates and self esteem. As it stands, over 60% of girls in the school we surveyed lack basic knowledge of menstrual hygiene, access to sanitary pads and as well, sex education which is detrimental to the future of the African girl child.  At SUFFLE, we are an educational initiative concerned about Intervention, Improvisation and Innovation in Education.  As a form of intervention, we request for the donation of 3000 menstrual pads to distribute in  5 schools in low income communities in Ogun state, Nigeria. Reusable pads are welcome but reusables are highly desirable. The reason for the choice of the reusable menstrual pads is for its sustainable and less long term health implications when handled hygienically.  We are open to collaboration, volunteering and partnerships to make this cause a reality.

Target: ₦ 300,000 Donation: Duration:
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